首页相约枫叶红 第81页


    格登:Hey, hey, hey! Just stay out of the working area! (喂喂喂,你们不许到工作地段来!)
    格登拿出手机拨打:Please send a group of security guards here. Some unidentified people are blocking our work. (请派一个保安小组过来。一些不明身份的人阻碍了我们的工作。)
    保安甲:Please leave at once. This is private property and yoursquo;re not allowed to trespass. (请马上离开。这是私人财产,你们不得进入。)
    戴安:Sir, do you know what they are doing Theyrsquo;re going to log the Great Bear Rainforest. They are destroying our precious natural legacy! Just think about it. (先生,你知道他们要去干什么吗?他们要去砍伐大熊雨林。他们在破坏我们宝贵的自然遗产!好好想想吧。)
    保安甲:You may be right, Miss. But thatrsquo;s not my business. Please go and talk this to the Government. Let me tell you what, Miss. My job is to assure work in the harbour not disrupted by any irrelevant people. (你可能是对的,小姐。但这不关我的事。请去向政府谈这件事。告诉你,小姐,我的工作是保证港口的秩序不受任何无关人员干扰。)
    戴安:We leave! (我们走!)
    亚当斯高声:We stop! This is the public place. (我们停下。这是公共的地方。)
    雪丽指着保安:Donrsquo;t touch me! Otherwise Irsquo;m gonna sue you. (别碰我!否则我要告你!)
    雪丽高声:My dear friends, just think about a big family. Mom was breeding, feeding and protecting the brothers and sisters. At the beginning, the siblings were getting along well and the big family was living in harmony and happinesshellip;(亲爱的朋友们,请想象一个大家庭。母亲养育和保护着家里的兄弟姐妹们。开始的时候,兄弟姐妹们相亲相爱,大家庭生活和睦、幸福美满hellip;hellip;)
    雪丽高声:But one day, the biggest brother thought that he deserved better food and a more comfortable house. He started to take food from his younger brothers and sisters. And then he destroyed the houses of his siblings and took the construction materials to build himself a larger and better house. Some of the brothers and sisters died and some fledhellip;(但有一天,大哥认为他应该吃得更好,要住一栋更舒适的房屋。他开始抢弟弟妹妹的饭吃,接着拆毁他们的房屋,用那些建筑材料将自己的房子修得更大更好。结果使得兄弟姐妹逃的逃、死的死hellip;hellip;)
    鲍勃问格登:Whatrsquo;re we gonna do (我们怎么办?)
    雪丽高声:The biggest brother was happy and thought he could live his happy life forever by himself and without his brothers and sister. But Mom became angry and deprived him of everything. He ended up living in starvation and poverty, living on bad food and in poor sheltershellip;(大哥非常高兴,以为没了兄弟姐妹,他一个人可以永远过上这样的幸福生活。可是,母亲生气了,剥夺了他的一切。结果他只能生活在饥饿和贫困当中,吃着劣质食物、住着破草房hellip;hellip;)
    戴安对菲尔小声:Now I know what you meant by saying you have a good persuader.rdquo;(现在我明白,你说你们有一个演说家rdquo;是什么意思了。)
    雪丽高声:Mom is our Earth, and the brothers and sisters are the white Spirit Bears and other species living in the Great Bear Rainforest, which gives them food and houses. Now, I am asking you: Who is the biggest brother ?C the bad guy (母亲就是我们的地球,而兄弟姐妹就是生活在大熊雨林里的雪熊和其他生物,雨林给它们提供了食物和住所。现在,我问你们,谁是那个大哥――那个坏蛋?)
    菲尔:We human beings are the bad guy! And what you are doing now is to rob food from your brothers and sisters, and destructing the houses of your brothers and sisters! (我们人类就是这个坏蛋!而你们现在要做的,就是去抢我们兄弟姐妹的粮食,去拆毁我们兄弟姐妹的房屋!)

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